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"A practical guide to Science Communication": PSPH After Work Seminar on July 14

Stephan Voss

Communicating the results of their scientific work to a non-specialist audience is an important task for researchers that may increase impact of their results – this is one of the lessons the current COVID-19 pandemic has taught. However, the past months have also shown that dialogue between sciencists, media and the public is not free from pitfalls.

The PSPH After Work Seminar „A practical introduction to Science Communication“ aims to give scientists helpful tips for getting in touch with the media and when communicating the results of their work themselves on various platforms. It takes place on July 14, 2021, from 6 to 7 pm on the platform Zoom. To attend, please register here.

At the start of the webinar, two speakers will give short impulse presentations on the topic: Dr. Silvia Sirona, Science Communication Manager at Helmholtz Zentrum München, and Stephan Voß, Research Associate at LMU Munich. After that, there will be a discussion and exchange of expericences with the audience.

Topic: A practical guide to Science Communication

Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2021, 6-7 pm

The After Work Seminars intent to connect junior and senior scientists with a multidisciplinary background to discuss current topics relevant for researchers.


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