Master of Science Public Health
M.Sc. Public Health is a four-semester, non-consecutive master´s programme. Students acquire numerous methodological and professional skills that qualify them to work in the broad field of public health care.
Detailed information on the course of studies can be found on the website of the Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry and Epidemiology (IBE).
Information booklet for the master´s programme M.Sc. Public Health at LMU Munich: 10 Reasons to Study Public Health

What is Public Health?
Public Health is an independent and strongly interdisciplinary empirical science. In contrast to medicine, which focuses on the well-being of a single individual, Public Health investigates which factors contribute to health or illness in the population as a whole. Public Health is therefore interested in the biological mechanisms behind health and disease as well as in the environmental, social and political processes and framework conditions that play a role in this.
The programme
The programme is structured in accordance with the Bologna Process. A total of 120 ETCS credits must be acquired. All core lectures and courses are held in German.
In the first semester, the curriculum covers fundamental topics in the core modules such as epidemiological methods and biometry, as well as introducing important concepts in Public Health. In the second semester, students have the opportunity to specialise and choose from a wide variety of elective modules according to their own interests. In the compulsory internship in the third semester and the master's thesis in the fourth semester, students apply their newly acquired skills to a topic of their choice.
Core module (90 ECTS)
1st and 2nd semester:
Biometry I and II
Epidemiology I and II
Public Health core competencies
3rd semester:
4th semester:
Master's thesis
Electives (30 ECTS)
Prevention and Health Promotion
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Global Public Health
Qualitative Methods
Public Mental Health
Planetary Health
MeMPE Summer University
Health Services Research and Health Economics
Spring School Health Services Research
Optional: Electives from M.Sc. Epidemiology
Admission requirements for the master's programme are:
Completed university degree (bachelor’s degree or equivalent) in a health-related discipline such as: medicine, public health, pharmacy, natural sciences, nutritional sciences, psychology, social sciences, statistics, sports science, economics and business administration, law, communication science or any other discipline relevant to health sciences
Formal application including curriculum vitae and certificates
Successful completion of written test
Succesfull completion of oral test
The current deadlines and details for application, written and oral tests can be found here: Click here
Career in Public Health
The subject opens up a multitude of career opportunities. Our students acquire theoretical knowledge, practical skills and competencies that qualify them to work in the diverse field of public health:
Universities / non-university research institutions
Health authorities and institutions at local and national level
Operational health management
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) at home and abroad
Pharmaceutical companies
and many more
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