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Ph.D. Program
Medical Research in Epidemiology
and Public Health


This international and interdisciplinary structured Ph.D. program is a part of the Pettenkofer School of Public Health and the Munich Medical Research School. Students are offered excellent research opportunities, tailor-made training and supervision in the following fields:


  • Genetic, Molecular and Clinical Epidemiology

  • Clinical Trials and Translational Medicine

  • Clinical and Evidence-based Prevention

  • Health Services Research

  • Health Economics

  • Evidence-based public health


The program


The Ph.D. program takes a minimum of three years. During this time, each student must acquire 180 ECTS. Curricular activities cover 30 ECTS and are divided into three modules:


17 ECTS - Method Courses
8 ECTS - Conferences & Retreats
5 ECTS - transferable skills


The remaining credits are achieved within the scope of research work which includes writing the Ph.D. thesis in English (140 ECTS) and the oral thesis defense (10 ECTS).




The Ph.D. program begins once a year in the winter semester (October). The application deadline is usually around end of January. Requirements are a master's degree in a subject related to health sciences, proficiency in English and good mathematical and statistical skills.


More information on the program can be found on the website of the IBE.


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